Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My scarlett letter

Sometimes I feel like Hester Prynne walking around with a scarlet letter, only my letter is a ‘D’, for divorce.  The more involved in the church I become, the more I want to hide my past.  Not because I have unresolved issues or that I still beat myself up over my mistakes, but because I don’t want to be judged.  Who would?!

I don’t know anyone who can say that they have not felt judged at one point or another.  I also don’t know anyone who can say they haven’t been the one judging others.  Why do we do this?  The last time I checked God never gave me the authority to speak for Him.  Judging others, for any reason, is essentially speaking for God.  God is the only one with the authority to judge.  Why do we think we are so special that we can pass judgment on someone who is wearing the wrong clothes, has tattoos, is divorced, or did drugs?  The list could go on and on.  There is no hierarchy of sin; sin is sin no matter how you try to justify your own.  Everyone sins, everyone.  Jesus was the only being who was free of sin.  Therefore, how is anyone else’s sin worse than your own?  How can you judge?

Instead of judging others, why don’t we embrace them?  My family showed me tremendous grace during some of the darkest times of my life.  There were no questions, just an open set of arms to welcome me.  I did not fear judgment or persecution when I was kept in the protective circle of my TRUE friends and family.  We “church people” could show more mercy and grace, because that is what God has done for us.  When Adam and Eve betrayed God in the garden, he showed them mercy and grace.  He could have turned His back on us, but He hasn’t.  God is love; therefore, followers of God should give love.