Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The gray fuzzy place where newbies live......

A newbie.  That’s what I am.  I’m relatively new to this world that God created for me.  I grew up in a Baptist church but stopped attending around 10 years old when my parents were divorced.  I spent the next 17 years only going to church on major holiday’s….if I was forced to.  I lived my life for me, not answering to anyone.  I’m extremely independent and the thought of “answering” to anyone, human or Maker, was not part of my plan.  I made mistakes, fell down, gathered up scars on my body, heart and mind; I hurt several people along the way.  Of this, I am sorry and ashamed.

Then one day, Summer (aka. My Angel whom I thank God for EVERY SINGLE DAY) invited me to church.  It was not the first time she had extended the offer, trust me.  For whatever reason, I accepted.  I was at a low place in life, not the lowest I’d been, but not in a good place by any means.  I remember forcing back tears through the service.  The next visit was mother’s day and I couldn’t stop the tears then.  The music hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was sitting there, with my family, enjoying my time with God.  This is what I had been missing all along.  I had tried to fill my life with “stuff” and “people” and addiction, none of it was what I needed.  I needed God.  Well, I found him.

I’ve been on a journey ever since.  My dear dear friend Emily describes the walk with God as a walk up stairs.  You go up the stairs, then there’s a landing, you go up some more, there’s another landing…so on and so forth.  Throughout your walk you may trip and fall down a few stairs, you may go down to the previous landing and stay there a while; you may run up a few flights before stopping to rest.  I can certainly relate.  I stumble and trip all the time. 

I’ve been struggling with my feelings of not fitting in for a while now.  I have church friends and non-church friends.  My non-church friends remember the non-church Jenny and have a hard time accepting the new version of myself.  I don’t smoke anymore, I don’t drink, I try to be a good person, I try to help others, ect.  This is a hard pill for many of them to swallow.  So, I tend to feel like I’m under a microscope.  If I curse, I feel like I get the “but you’re supposed to be a Christian” look.  If I have a bad day and I’m not nice, I get the same look.  Just because I’m trying to walk with God, doesn’t mean I am God.  God is the only perfect one, not me.

Then I have my church friends.  I am so thankful for them, but to be honest, I feel inadequate a lot of the time.  I am farther behind in my walk than most of them, I don’t know the Bible or the people in it, , I don’t know a lot of the do’s and don’t, and I don’t know most of the old hymns.  I feel stupid sometimes when I’m around them.  This is coming from me, not them, they’ve never made me feel lesser or unworthy. 

So, I have a hard time knowing where I belong or feeling like I belong somewhere.  I’m in the gray fuzzy place where newbies live.  I know I’m making leaps and strides toward God and I know I’m on the right road; it’s just a hard road to be on when you feel alone.  When I look back at my past I feel so unworthy of Jesus.  He sacrificed so much for me, I don’t feel deserving.  I’m in awe of His love every single day.  I wish I could go back and do it all over again, but I can’t.  I guess there’s only one thing I can do…..keep on walking with my God and hopefully I’ll figure it all out.


  1. Sweet Jenny, you know what we discussed last night... You are not lost in the mix. You are helping us all grow as well. It is so exciting to see you on this journey and walk beside you.

  2. Awesome story! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This brought sweet tears to my eyes... You are one amazing woman that God has a hold of for sure! I love getting to experience all these changes alongside each other. :)
